Monday 16 June 2008

Pratchett Becomes Patron Of Alzheimers Charity

Terry Pratchett has become a patron of the Alzheimer's Research Trust (Art) following his diagnosis with dementia at the end of last year.

The Discworld author said he had Alzheimer's in December and donated $1 million (£513,000) to help find a cure for dementia.

He said he is "proud" to be associated with the Art.

"Alzheimer's is a nasty disease, surrounded by shadows and small, largely unseen tragedies," Pratchett said.

"I understand the desperation of sufferers and their carers and their hopes for, if not a cure, at least some regime that might help us live with Alzheimer's."

Art chief executive Rebecca Wood said the charity is "so pleased" to have Pratchett's support, describing him as "an inspiration".

"With a force like Terry demanding a drastic increase in dementia research funding, the government must recognise soon that it can no longer put off urgently needed reform," she added.

The announcement was made at the same time as the Art released a survey which revealed that 25 million people in the UK are affected by dementia.

Over four in ten people (42 per cent) know a close friend, family member or someone else with dementia.

20/05/2008 00:03:02

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